Local church in Wauseon, Ohio
Growing together in grace and truth
We meet Sundays at 10 AM

A Church of the Nazarene
136 Cherry St
Wauseon, Ohio 43567

Find a friend. Grow in your faith. Check out a small group today.

Our weekly announcements are shared verbally and in print. You can read this week’s announcements here.
Sunday Worship

Sunday worship at 10 am
Wauseon Community Church gathers each Sunday morning to sing, pray, give, and learn from God’s Word with live music, personal prayers, investment, and spiritual formation.

Your financial support helps to fund the mission of the Church. You can give online or in person.

About Us
Information about the Wauseon Community Church’s history, mission, and beliefs. This page will also include information about the staff and leadership team.

Wauseon Community Church offers a variety of ministries including youth groups, Bible studies, and community outreach. Find out how you can contribute to your community through the Church.

Events Calendar
A calendar of upcoming events to help keep members and visitors informed about important dates and activities.
Some things can only be done in community.
Church in Wauseon
You’re invited to our church in Fulton County, Ohio. We meet on Sundays at 10 am.
Growing together through
Past sermons available online for those who missed a service or for those who want to revisit a previous message.
God speaks to us through his written word. You can use the free YouVersion app or website to hear from him.

Meet Face to Face
The church building is located at 136 Cherry Street, between S Fulton and Shoop, parallel to E Leggett St in Wauseon, Ohio.
Text the word prayer to 833-515-7078
Call Mary Jo Ledyard 419-250-0752
Write on a blue card & place in offering box
What does the Church believe?
We are a Church of the Nazarene, which is a part of the Wesleyan branch of Christianity. This means we are optimistic about how much God’s grace can accomplish in a person’s life through his filling presence, cleansing, and strength. The full list of our beliefs is available at https://nazarene.org/beliefs
Learn how to get involved
The Church of the Nazarene is active in 163 world areas, including 2.6 million members in almost 31,000 congregations. As a part of our church, you can help with relief from natural disasters. We have opportunities that will allow you to share Jesus Christ, disciple new believers, and develop churches. Guests and members are invited to participate.
“I go to the Wauseon Community Church for many reasons. First of all, the people there are very friendly and very loving and caring. Secondly and most importantly the Word of God is proclaimed. The Word is preached for salvation and for growth as a disciple. Christ is the most important part of our life. Also the music for worship is upbeat and inspiring to help in your walk with God.”

Dave Spadafore
“Wauseon Community Church is a group of Jesus-loving people who love and care for each other. We enjoy fellowship together and are excited to welcome newcomers.”

Jolene Siegneur
“Great service yesterday at Wauseon Community Church. Good music by our worship team. The sermon was very good and I’m thankful that Pastor Steve Baney is giving us the Word as God has given it to him. If you don’t have a church, we would welcome you to come any Sunday at 10:00 am to check us out.”

Jeanie Bachman
“Nothing warms my heart more than seeing my kids looking forward to church again, and seeing my son take notes, singing, and reading his Bible. It is good to have a home again.”

Allie Lilly
Join our mission. Growing together in grace and truth. Get Started Today.
Email: pastor@wauseoncommunity.com
Call: (419)-330-4249